Can you crack these riddles and challenges?

Hello! Welcome to my quiz. This is a knowledge and riddles quiz. I hope you have fun and enjoy it. It took me a while to make so I hope you enjoy it! :)

There are riddles, quiz questions and fun things to do. Your result will also give you an amazing, unbelievable, and exciting fact! Okay, let's start! Good luck! :)

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. No:1, Firstly, I'm going to name some animals. Okay. Remember these. Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Lion. Lion, Rabbit, Cat, Dog. Which order makes more sense?
  2. Okay. Now keep those animals in your head. Let's move on. How many months have 28 days?
  3. Lily is born on the 4th of September 2011 and Amaya is born on the 24th of August. 2011, Who is older?
  4. Lily and Amaya go to a café. There are nine doughnuts left in the doughnut section. Lily buys three and Amaya buys two. Bailey steals one. How many doughnuts do Lily and Amaya have in total?
  5. How many bones does the human body have?
  6. How many muscles does the human body have?
  7. World War 1 lasted how many years?
  8. When did World War 2 begin?
  9. Okay. DO NOT SCROLL UP OTHERWISE IT WILL BE CHEATING! Thank you. Now which was the first order I put the animals in?
  10. True or False: There are more insects in the world then humans.
  11. True or False: Dinosaurs will come back to earth in 2050

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Quiz topic: Can I crack these riddles and challenges?
