How many riddles can you answer

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See how smart you really are by answering these really hard riddles that will put your brain to the test. This is one of the hardest riddles you'll ever find!

Are you an IQ of 1'000 or an IQ of 0. Come find out now! This is one of the best riddles I've done and all of my friends love it so you should to. So come and play now!

Created by: Joshua
  1. What is once in year, twice in a week but never in a month?
  2. What do you have that no-one else has?
  3. What is my name?
  4. Give me two dollars pls.
  5. Can I see you?
  6. Have you subscribed to ssundee?
  7. I love fruit!
  8. Is itttt spelt correctly? Apple
  9. How many questions are there?
  10. Hi.

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Quiz topic: How many riddles can I answer
