Riddles- can you guess them?

Hi everyone! I am Sally Mist,and I am making an exciting quiz of riddles! In this quiz,you will have ten questions about some riddles. Some are easy and some are hard,so just try your best and enjoy your results!

If you want to search up the riddles later on,you can. There are plenty of riddles you can search on the internet. Remember,try your best and answer the questions as well as you can! Take your time if you need. Let’s start!

Created by: Sally Mist
  1. I walk on four legs in the morning,two legs in the afternoon,three legs in the evening. What am I?
  2. What is as large as an elephant,but weighs nothing at all?
  3. A businessman named Paul is going on a trip to Switzerland. When he leaves for the airport,his night watchman stops him and tells him he had a dream last night about the plane to Switzerland crashing in the middle of the ocean. Paul cancels the ticket and the trip after hearing his night watchman’s warning. That afternoon,the news showed that the plane did crash. Paul payed his watchman 100 dollars for saving his life then fired him. Why?
  4. In a one-story house,there is a pink bed,a pink sofa,a pink couch,a pink ceiling,even the cat was pink! So,what color are the stairs?
  5. Mrs Green lives in the green house,Miss Red lives in the red house,Mrs Blue lives in the blue house,Miss Yellow lives in the yellow house. Who lives in the White House?
  6. Here’s an easy one:Why is six afraid of seven?
  7. A man at a carnival says to a woman “If I can write down exactly how much you weigh,you pay me 50 dollars. If I guess it wrong,I pay you 50 dollars. Deal?” The woman said “Deal!” The man wrote down exactly how much she weighed. The woman paid him 50 dollars and left. How is this possible?
  8. How can ten horses fit into nine stalls,if each are to have their own?
  9. There is a word with 5 letters;yet is spelt with three;sometimes has nine letters;rarely consists of 6;never has 5. What is the word?
  10. Mary’s mom has five children: Nicole,Jacob,Tiffany,Stephan. Who is the fifth child?

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Quiz topic: Riddles- can I guess them?
