How well do you know New Legends of Monkey?

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Welcome to this quiz! This quiz has some easy, medium and hard questions to answer. Put your knowledge of New Legends of Monkey to the test! I wish you Good Luck.

15 questions. 15 correct answers. But what will you score? (If you haven't watched up to series 2 episode 2 I suggests you watch it now and then come back as it could spoil it a little)

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. What is the name of the - who released the Monkey King?
  2. And what type of ---- are they?
  3. What is the name of the head demon?
  4. On the last episode of series one Davari does what?
  5. During series 1, does Tripitaka find her mother?
  6. On the first episode of series 2, The four are being chased by what..?
  7. The history books say The Monkey King is....
  8. True or False: Tripitaka is a boy
  9. True or False: Monkey and Tripitaka killed Davari
  10. True or False: Monkey can summon a cloud to carry him round
  11. True or False: Sandy looks after the stone that will depend on Pigsy's life.
  12. True or False: There are three seasons of New Legends of Monkey (2022)
  13. What is the name of the young man who runs the Pub?
  14. What is the name of the young woman who runs the Pub?
  15. Which demon is killed by Davari?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know New Legends of Monkey?
