Urban Legends. Do You Know Fact From Fiction?

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Urban legends are commonly-held beliefs that are actually untrue. All of us probably believe in some of them, or possibly many. This quiz is designed to challenge your ability to separate fact from fiction by presenting you with 24 statements. Some are true, some are common myths and misconceptions.

How well can you identify the facts mixed in with false urban legends, myths, and old wives tales? Heads up: it will be very difficult to get all 24 out of 24 correct! I wish you good luck.

Created by: GTQ Guy
  1. Scotland's national animal is the unicorn.
  2. The Great Wall of China is visible from space.
  3. Police say you have to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person.
  4. Lightning heats the air it passes through up to five times hotter than the surface of the sun.
  5. Chewing gum takes 7 years to fully digest.
  6. Different parts of the tongue are responsible for tasting sour, sweet, salty, and bitter.
  7. The human body has more bacteria in it than human cells.
  8. Shaving makes hair grow back thicker.
  9. Flamingos are pink due to their diet of eating shrimp.
  10. It is dangerous to wake someone who is sleepwalking.
  11. Cats have fewer toes on the hind paws than on the front.
  12. MSG added to food causes headaches.
  13. "New car smell" is actually caused by hazardous chemicals.
  14. Humans can get warts from touching a toad.
  15. German chocolate cake was invented in Texas.
  16. Dropping a penny from a skyscraper could kill a person on the ground.
  17. Bulls become aggressive when they see red.
  18. Humans only use 10% of their brain.
  19. Martin Luther King Jr. got a C in public speaking.
  20. Albert Einstein failed mathematics in school.
  21. Cats are lactose intolerant so don't give them milk.
  22. Toilet water rotates in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
  23. Caesarean section (C-section) was so-named because Julius Caesar was born that way.
  24. According to science, bumblebees should not be able to fly.

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Quiz topic: Urban Legends. do I Know Fact From Fiction?
