What story suits you the best? (my own made up stories) :)

Hello! Welcome to the quiz! As you saw from the title, this quiz is about which story suits you best!!! These are my own chapters that I made up from scratch!

I hope you enjoy it and appreciate the time and effort I put into this! Just answer the next ten questions, read your story and have fun! Thank you! :)

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. Firstly, which season do you prefer?
  2. Next, what movie/film genre do you prefer?
  3. Do you prefer books where the main character is a girl, or a boy?
  4. Do you like and enjoy cliffhangers?
  5. What is your type? Here, I will explain what each of these mean. Softie: Positive, Bubbly, Happy and a little annoying but full of enthusiasm. Preppy: Always organize, tidy and kind! Slender: Rude, mean and Ignorant, not a very nice person. Emo: A mix between good and bad, kind of gothic.
  6. Are you a book or film person or a bit of both?
  7. On a scale of 1-10, how often do you like to party? (10 being all the time and 1 being barely ever
  8. Are you often alone, and if so do you enjoy being alone, or want to be alone?
  9. Choose a book (most likely one that you would read)
  10. Now choose a horse related program!
  11. Okay! After this you find out what story you are! I made these up so good luck!

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Quiz topic: What story suits me the best? (my own made up stories) :)

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