How well do you know me? #2

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Since my last "How well do you know me?" quiz, I have changed quite a bit. I've explored gender, gone through many mental changes, and got a little bit weirder. Do you know me well? Or are you a random person I don't know? Find out now!

Yes, I will try to fill in this second paragraph without simultaneously spamming the qwerty keyboard. ... Also I'm using the old quiz maker thing and it won't let me.

  1. What is my nickname or pen name?
  2. What is my gender?
  3. What is my orientation?
  4. Am I short?
  5. True or false: I like cats
  6. Which mental things do I suffer from?
  7. What are my hobbies?
  8. How old am I?
  9. Which country do I live in?
  10. Am I amazing in each and every way?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me? #2