Would you survive baysitting?

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Ok so today you will find out if you would make a good babysitter or not! So, okay good luck! :) :) :( :? :/ Life is so amazing! Positive Attitude people!

MUST READ: In this roleplay quiz you are looking after two children. Four year old Bess, and 6 year old Tom. Bess is allergic to nuts and Tom is allergic to citrus. They are allowed 3 hours screen time, and must spend 1 hour outside. They go to bed at 8:00 and Bess has a nap at 3:15. Alright Good Luck :)

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. What have you brought in you're bag? (Excluding Electronics)
  2. Roleplay: Bess and Tom are begging you to watch televison! How long do you let them watch for?
  3. Roleplay: Bess and Tom (If you let them) are fighting over what to watch. Bess wants to watch My little Pony, but Tom wants to watch Thomas the tank Engine. What do you do?
  4. Roleplay: It's Lunchtime! Bess and Tom want Nutella and Peanut Butter sandwiches. What do you give them?
  5. Roleplay: As the kids are eating lunch they become thirsty. Tom wants orange juice, and Bess wants milk. What do you give them to drink?
  6. Roleplay: After Lunch, Bess wants you to play teddies with her but Tom wants you to play Lego with him. What do you do?
  7. Roleplay: Tom and Bess want to go on their tablets. How long do you give them?
  8. Roleplay: Now they need exercise. Their Dad told you that either the park down the road or the field would be great. Where do you take them?
  9. Roleplay: Bess seems tired but It is only 2:45. What do you do?
  10. (Almost finished) Roleplay: It's 5:00, dinner time! What do you get for dinner?
  11. That's the end of the quiz! Roleplay: The parents get back at 10:30 and you go home. Let's find out how you looked after them! Will you make a good babysitter?

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