What Hogwarts house are you in?

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Hello! Welcome to my quiz. This quiz can determine which Hogwarts house you would be in in just 24 questions! There are other things to answer as well though, all together making a total of 26 questions! There are four answers you can get Gryffindor! Hufflepuff! Raven-claw! And Slytherin!

I hope you enjoy this! Also please be very truthful with your answers, so you get the correct result, and no something that you truly are not! I hope you enjoy this quiz and get a result that your happy with. However if you don't enjoy it, keep it to yourself or tell me in a nicer way in the comments so I can improve in further quizzes.

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. Hello. Welcome to my quiz! My name is BiscuitBear37! Hello! This question doesn't affect your answers so just pick which one you would most likely say!
  2. Ok, I'm ready to start now! Ok what is your favorite colour?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. Who is your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
  5. What is your personality? (Part 1)
  6. What is your personality? (Part 2)
  7. What is your personality (Part 3)
  8. Which of these people would you like in your dorm room, if you were attending Hogwarts?
  9. Which of these would you rather be your parents?
  10. What teacher would you trust the most with information about yourself?
  11. Who would you prefer as your head of house?
  12. Who is your favorite dark arts teacher? (If you haven't read up to the fourth book then close your eyes and click the bottom answer so no spoilers)
  13. Roleplay time! You see a "Muggle" fall over on a road and the driver's behind him look impatient, like their going to run him over. What do you do?
  14. You cope well with being alone
  15. You cope well with being pressurized to do something you know is not right
  16. You cope well failing in almost every lesson
  17. You cope well when your in mortal danger or something scary is happening?
  18. Sorry for so many questions, we still have some more to go though, so keep motivated.
  19. What is your opinion on Hagrid?
  20. Which team do you support the most?
  21. Do you like Draco Malfoy?
  22. Do you Like Harry Potter? (coming in for the last questions)
  23. Finally, are you scared of the sorting hat?
  24. Okay! You've almost done it! Also really random question but do you like mushrooms? (doesn't affect your score
  25. Goodbye thanks for taking the quiz! Hope you enjoyed it! :)
  26. Your just one click away from getting your results!

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts house am I in?
