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- 7.2KThe Last Of us Quiz2.77rated: 2.77/5Promoted 10 years agotaken 7.2K times2 comments
The Last Of Us. One of the best games of 2013. I'm a huge fan and I know everything about it. I've god everything in multiplayer and I've got the platinum …
- 8.9K
Considering that most guys in real life are disgusting, several girls are stuck being forever alone and dreaming about the hot guys in books. If you're one of …
- 6.7K
If your life were a movie, what kind of movie would it be -- and would you pay $9.00 to see it? …
- 37.1K
Here is the dictionary's definition of pretty: (of a person, especially a woman or child) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful. …
- 29.5K
Youtubers are celebrities that aren't celebrities. They are the people who were doubted or just simply needed something fun to do. They are just simple people …
- 5K
There are many haters and lovers in the world. But who hates you enough to kill you? If you want to take caution on what you say and do, take this quiz to find …
- 11.6K
Many people wish to have magic abilities, but few people truly do. What do these abilities include? Anything that humans cannot do themselves. I have included …
- 3.3K
There are quite a lot of people in this world, but some of them can be really annoying even though they don't know how annoying they are! What is annoying? …
- 3K
"The unexamined life is not worth living," or so Socrates says. It's true that regardless of how deeply you think, we all have our moments. I believe every life …
- 34.6K
O2l is a bunch of guys on youtube who are awesome! If they play this I will die CX THEY ARE SO AWESOME I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …