Which Pagan Religion Suits You Best?

This is a quiz to help determine what pagan religion is most suited to you. You can take it just for fun, if you want. But if you've been feeling a calling towards paganism, and you're not sure what path is for you...

Well then I highly recommend taking this test. I'm not quite sure yet how accurate it is, but I think it's a better starting point than nothing. There are seven results, although there are many more pagan religions.

Created by: Witches' School of Witches' School
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you believe in karma?
  2. Do you believe in god(s)?
  3. Do you feel a religious connection to nature?
  4. How do your feel about rules in religion?
  5. How do you feel about tradition?
  6. Do you believe in an afterlife?
  7. Do you believe religion is or should be hierarchical?
  8. How do you feel about praying?
  9. In a universe where you know for sure gods exist, how do you believe they should act?
  10. How do you feel about myths in your religion?

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Quiz topic: Which Pagan Religion suits me Best?
