Do you need diapers?

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This quiz is designed to determine if people of any age require protection, and determines whether the person is most likely to need diapers, pull-ups, or no protection

For the best result, answer truthfully, and take all factors into account. It may be helpful ho have a bladder diary ready for this quiz, although it is not required.

Created by: LackOfName
  1. How old is the person?
  2. Does the person frequently have urinary accidents? If so, how often?
  3. If any urinary accidents, how severe?
  4. If any current protection, does the protection leak?
  5. Does the person have any accidents at night?
  6. If any night accidents, how often?
  7. Does the person have fecal accidents? If so, how often?
  8. If any fecal accidents, how severe?
  9. Does the person have fecal accidents at night? If so, are they of the same or greater severity?
  10. Is the person active or do they move around a lot?
  11. Is the person alone often?
  12. Do you think this person would be able to change themselves?
  13. Does this person require changing to be sparse? (As in, should the changes take part as infrequently as possible)
  14. Does this person require discretion around wearing protection?
  15. Does the person have ample clean space to change in?
  16. Does this person have a preference as to protection type?

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