Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Well you just did so..."
Chester rolled his eyes. 'How can I convince you?'
"You can't. It's not possible. You're too pretty."
'Ridiculous. I will at some point,' he said, kissing the tip of his nose.
Jayd blushed. "But you're so much more handsome. Ask literally anyone!"
'No. We've got dinner in 20 minutes.'
"Great, we can ask the chefs!" -
'We're not asking Patton who's more handsome,' Chester said, rolling his eyes with a chuckle.
"Come on!" Jayden laughed. "It'd be worth it if it means you would have to admit you're wrong."
'No way,' Chester said with a laugh.
Jayd chuckled. "Dammit, we'll have to ask someone else..."
'No!' Chester laughed. 'Come on.' He stood up, letting go of Jayden.
Jayden stood up too. "Then how are we supposed to prove I'm right?"
'We can't. We'll just have to assume I am.'
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