Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"It's the truth though!" Jayden said, his gaze following Chester. "What're you going to do?"
'I have no idea,' Chester said, sitting on the arm of Jayden's chair. 'Probably just irritate you till you admit it.'
"Then you'll have to annoy me until I die." Jayden said stubbornly. "Because I refuse to lie to you."
'Sounds good,' Chester said, smirking.
"Guess this means we're not reading." Jayd put his book away. "Alright, annoy me."
Chester chuckled. He leaned forward and kissed Jayden's forehead. 'I'll annoy you with compliments.'
Jayden blushed. "And that'll make me admit I'm prettier even though that's not true?"
'Hopefully you'll come to your senses.'
"I could say the same thing about you since you're so unbelievably pretty you'd think everyone would know it."
'You could?' Chester asked, leaning closer. 'So you're uncertain?'
"What, no!" Jayd chuckled. "Quite the opposite. I'm very certain that you're the handsomer one."
'Then you're very wrong, my very handsome friend.'
"But I'm not! You're the prettier, handsomer, hotter one, and everyone can see that. Just admit it!"
'No! I would never lie to you!'
Jayden kissed him on the cheek. "Chester, it's not a lie you beautiful idiot." He said with a grin.
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