Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester grabbed Jayden's hand and kissed the back of it. 'Fine.'
Jayd blushed. "What a gentlemen." He teased.
Chester chuckled. 'Thanks, I think.' He interlaced their fingers and opened the door.
"It's a compliment." Jayden said as he walked in, not letting go of Chester.
Chester smiled. 'Good,' he said, walking into the dining hall.
Jayden grinned, sitting down on one of the tables.
Chester sat down next to him. It was ridiculous how long the table was in the dining room when there were barely more than five guests in the castle. The table was set up for at least 20.
Jayd didn't know what to say, so he just sat there, his leg fidgeting.
Chester glanced at the kitchen for a moment, then back at Jayden.
Jayden smiled, looking up at Chester.
Chester smiled. He brushed a curl out of Jayden's face behind his ear, though it didn't do much because his hair was still all over the place.
Jayd blushed just a tiny bit, grinning.
Chester smiled and blushed a little himself. He kept his hand next to Jayden's cheek, and his other holding Jayden's hand.
Jayden kissed Chester on the cheek.
Chester blushed harder. He grinned and let go of Jayden's hand to wrap an arm around his waist, drawing patterns with his thumb on the bare skin under Jayden's shirt.
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