Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester blushed. 'God, you're so hot,' he murmured, then kissed him on the lips.
Jayd turned bright red, wrapping his arms around Chester's neck.
Chester wrapped his arms around Jayden's waist, bright red himself, closing his eyes.
Jayden closed his eyes as well.
Chester moved one arm off Jayden's waist and ran his fingers through his beautiful golden curls. He eventually broke the kiss and opened his eyes.
Jayd looked up at Chester, smiling. He moved his arms away.
Chester smiled. He loosened his arms around Jayden, but didn't fully let go.
Jayden didn't really want Chester to let go. He grinned.
Chester grinned back. He didn't say anything for fear of ruining the moment.
"I'm not sure that changed my mind on who's hotter." Jayd said after a bit, smirking.
Chester chuckled. 'Fine, then,' he said. 'At least I know who's correct.'
"Congratulations on changing your mind!" Jayden cheered. "I'm so proud!"
'Stop being in denial,' Chester said, smiling.
"Stop lying and saying I'm the prettier one." Jayd countered, smiling.
'I would never lie about that.'
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