Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"But you're not!" Jayd chuckled.
(Gtg to bed, bye!) -
'Shush,' Chester chuckled. 'That doesn't matter right now.' -
"It totally does!" Jayden laughed.
'It doesn't because you're wrong.'
"But I'm not! Have you even looked at yourself? You're a million times hotter than me!"
'You need to look in a mirror every once in a while.
"So do you apparently."
Chester rolled his eyes. 'Come on, we're going to be late for breakfast.'
"Alright, fine." Jayd rolled his eyes. "But we're not dropping this debate."
'Fine by me,' Chester said. He started walking to the door.
Jayden followed. "Good, because you need to hear how beautiful you are."
'So do you.'
"But you're the prettier one, obviously."
'Nobody's believing that. You're obviously the more handsome.'
"No!" Jayden laughed. "You're the most handsome. No arguing."
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