Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden looked up at Chester every once in a while but mostly just kept reading.
Chester noticed this as some point. 'What?'
"Nothing." Jayd said with a shrug. "You look good today."
Chester blushed a little, though smiled. 'You looked better.'
Jayden blushed as well. "Nope, it's official, you're the prettier one. Or handsomer one. Whatever, you're the better looking one out of the 2 of us."
'Said no one ever. You're the most handsome one, and I get everyone would agree.'
"No way! You're the better dresser, you have the best hair, you're definitely the most handsome one, and anyone who disagrees is lying."
'You obviously haven't accounted for how hot you are in a button-up shirt. Or how your golden hair looks in the sun, it's incredible.'
Jayd blushed. "You obviously haven't seen yourself in a suit, it's insane how gorgeous you are in it. Or how pretty your caramel brown eyes are."
Chester blushed. 'God, I'd love to see you in a suit,' he said. 'Just admit how handsome you are or else I'm coming over there.'
Jayden blushed even more. "I'll wear one tomorrow if you want to see it so bad. And I'm not nearly as handsome as you, just admit it."
'Please do,' Chester said. 'I refuse to lie about being more attractive than you.'
"But it wouldn't be lying!" Jayd protested. "It's the truth! Like it or not, you're at least 10 times handsomer than me."
'Nobody like flattery, Jayden,' Chester said. 'I'm coming over there!' He set his book down and walked over to Jayden.
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