Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd didn't say anything. After a bit he leaned into Chester a bit.
Chester blushed. He looked down at Jayden in surprise.
Jayden looked up at Chester, noticing his surprised face. "Is this alright?" He asked nervously, pulling back slightly.
Chester smiled. 'It's absolutely alright.'
Jayd smiled, leaning back into Chester as much as before.
Chester blushed more, smiling. He wrapped his arm around Jayden's shoulders.
Jayd closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Chester too.
Chester kissed the side of Jayden's head.
Jayden blushed, his smile growing even wider. He closed his eyes.
Chester closed his eyes as well, smiling.
Jayd didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the moment. He just sat there contently.
Chester kept quiet too.
After a while it got dark and late. Jayden opened his eyes, looking up at Chester. "Do you need to go to your own room now?" He asked softly, not wanting Chester to leave. "Since it's late?"
'No. I can stay if you'd prefer,' Chester said, opening his eyes and looking at Jayden. He didn't want to leave, but didn't want to make Jayden uncomfortable either.
Jayd smiled. "I'd like it if you stayed." He said contently.
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