Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'What do you mean?'
"I mean, I think you could think of at least one thing I could do. Or you could just tell me what you were thinking of. That's probably easier anyway."
'I guess,' Chester said. 'But I'm still not telling you.'
"Rude." Jayd huffed.
Chester rolled his eyes playfully.
"Why notttt?" Jayden mumbled.
"That's not a reason." Jayd countered.
'You don't have a reason why I should tell you,' Chester countered.
"Because I'm curious, and you acted all suspicious about it!"
"You did! You said 'nothing' super fast! Last time you did that it was about your embarrassing story!"
'Well, it's not about s---ting under tables this time.'
"Well then what is it about?"
'It's about how you look very good right now,' Chester said casually. It was partially what he'd been thinking.
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