Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester swallowed. 'W-Well, I-' he stuttered. -
"Uh-t-that-" Jayd stopped, not wanting to keep stuttering the whole time.
Chester pursed his lips.
Jayden was still fairly red in the face, and he smiled a bit wider.
Chester smiled.
Jayd didn't say anything else, he just sat there flushed and smiling.
When Chester could finally speak again, he said, 'So, I guess you liked that?'
"Yeah." Jayden admit. "I did."
Chester smiled. He looked down at their intertwined hands. 'Me too.'
Jayd grinned. "That's good."
Chester nodded. He was still pretty pink in the face but not so much now.
"So... What now?"
'We wait for dinner,' Chester glanced towards the kitchen.
"Alright." Jayd looked out at the kitchen too.
Chester squeezed Jayden's hand.
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