Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd read more pages in silence before whistling a bit.
Chester looked up at him.
"What?" Jayden asked again, chuckling.
'Nothing,' Chester chuckled. 'I'm just wondering how you can focus on reading while whistling at the same time.'
"I'm just special I guess." Jayden shrugged, grinning.
Chester chuckled. 'Alright, then.'
Jayd chuckled, going back to his book.
After a few more minutes, Chester checked his watch. 'Huh.'
"Has it been an hour already?" Jayden asked.
"Oh. Cool. Do you want to be done?" Jayd asked, not really caring either way.
'No, I'll stop now,' Chester said, closing his book.
"Alright." Jayden closed his book and stood up.
Chester set his books in a pile and stood.
Jayd waited for Chester. "What now?"
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