Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I bet." Jayd looked through his book. "It said Inland Taipans and Black Mamba snakes kill humans the fastest. Only about 7 hours, but they cause a lot of damage in the 1st hours. It's pretty cool. And terrifying."
'Please don't tell me you're going to be shapeshifting into either of those snakes.'
"Oh definitely not. I'd be terrified of biting my tongue every single time I shapeshifted."
Chester chuckled. 'Thank goodness. I would too, to be honest.'
Jayden nodded. "It'd be the scariest thing ever." He agreed.
Chester nodded, laughing.
Jayd was laughing a lot as well. "I'm probably not going to be a venomous snake. Ever."
'Good. Who knows what kind of pranks you could play?'
"Now that you've mentioned it... Maybe being a venomous snake wouldn't be so bad just for the pranks."
'Oh god,' Chester chuckled. 'Absolutely not.'
"It's either I do snake pranks or you help me do ONE prank." Jayd suggested.
'We'll see.'
"Come on!" Jayden laughed.
Chester huffed. 'I'll... Decide later.'
"Fine." Jayd turned his attention back to the book.
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