Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd blushed. "Fallen in love?" He said, trying to fight a big grin. It didn't work very well.
Chester turned red. He looked back down at his books. 'W-Well- Yeah...'
Jayden blushed even more. "That-uh-great." He said awkwardly, staring at his shoelaces.
Chester clenched his jaw, vexed at himself for saying such a strange thing, then opened his book and started to read it.
Jayd opened his book, reading a bit. He occasionally turned to look at Chester, but for the most part he kept reading.
Chester was silent, except for the occasional sound of him turning a page.
"Uhm.... So...." Jayden said quietly, not liking the silence.
Chester didn't respond.
"Sorry. For pointing the-uh- for pointing it out."
'No, it's fine. I'm sorry for saying it aloud.'
"No don't apologize." Jayden said quickly. "I-uh.... I liked it?" He said nervously, not wanting Chester to be weirded out.
Chester looked up at him. 'You liked it?' he repeated, wondering if he'd heard right.
Jayd nodded. "Yeah..." He looked up at Chester. "Is that alright?"
Chester nodded. 'Yes, of course,' he said with a small smile.
Jayden breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, that would've been awkward otherwise."
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