Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I don't mind either way." Jayd said with a shrug. "Would the shapeshifting happen faster if I started today?"
'By one day,' Chester said with a shrug.
"Good enough for me." Jayden chuckled.
'Fair enough,' Chester said with a small chuckle. 'Do you know where the animal section is?'
"No, could you show me?"
Chester nodded. He looked around for a moment before walking left.
Jayd followed close behind.
Chester grabbed Jayden's hand, for no apparent reason.
Jayden blushed a tiny bit, following Chester.
Chester flushed a little when he realised that Jayden was blushing, fastening his pace a little.
Jayd walked a bit faster since otherwise he'd just be dragged to the animal section.
When they got to the animal section towards the back of the library Chester let go of Jayden.
Jayden looked for a snake book. specifically the venomous ones since he though they were more interesting.
Chester leaned against the wall. He pulled out his pocket watch and swung it back and forth by the chain.
"Didn't you say you wanted a horse book?" Jayd asked, seeing a horse book. "There's a book about racing horses if you want it."
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