Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'Didn't you want to learn how to transform into something?'
Jayden nodded. "Yes. As long as it's nothing embarrassing like an insect."
'Damn, I was thinking you could be a cockroach,' Chester said jokingly. He grabbed Jayden's hand and started walking towards the library.
Jayd blushed slightly, following. "I better not be a cockroach. I'll hold you personally responsibly." He said with a laugh.
("Personally responsibly"
- Lucas)
'Fine,' Chester chuckled. 'What would you like to be?' -
(It's a lil baby typooooo xD)
"Some kind of bird?" Jayden suggested, wanting to fly since he was little. -
'A bird?' Chester asked. 'What kind?' -
(iT's a LiL bAbY tYpOoooOOOoooo)
Jayd shrugged. "I don't care." -
Chester smirked. 'Any kind of bird?' -
"What are you thinking of?" Jayden asked, narrowing his eyes.
'A really ugly turkey.'
"No!" Jayd laughed, elbowing Chester. "At least something that can fly!"
'An ugly owl?'
Jayden rolled his eyes. "You get a phoenix and I'd be an ugly owl?"
'You know I'm only joking,' Chester said with a chuckle. 'You'd probably be something like a snake. Or a golden retriever or something.'
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