Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden sighed dramatically. "You're the worst." He said, though he thought the opposite.
'I don't believe for a second you think that,' Chester said with a smirk, starting to walk down the hall again.
Jayd blushed slightly, following him. "That's... That's besides the point."
Chester smiled. 'I'd bet 5 dollars you don't think that.'
"I'm not betting." Jayden chuckled, still blushing.
(Dangit, gtg! I'll try to be online later!) -
(Dammit! I'll try to be online in about three hours, but we'll see)
Chester smirked. 'Why? Because you know you're gonna lose 5 bucks?' he pressed, noticing the pinkness in Jayden's face. -
"No!" Jayd said too quickly to be believable.
Chester chuckled. 'Calm down, I'm joking.'
"I know." Jayden said with an embarrassed smile.
Chester smiled and looked back in front of him.
"So..." Jayd said as he walked, not blushing anymore.
Chester nodded. 'What now?'
"Uhm.... We do something." Jayden said with a small laugh.
'Fair. What should we do?'
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