Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
“We couuuld keep talking about awkward and embarrassing stuff.” Jayd suggested.
'Do you want to?'
Jayden shrugged. “If it means more things to tease you about then sure.”
Chester rolled his eyes.
“I’ll give you stuff to tease me about too if it pleases you.” Jayden laughed.
Chester chuckled. 'You go first.'
“Uhm… one time when I was little and I couldn’t say very many words, I mixed up what apples and bananas were. That was veeeery confusing.”
Chester chuckled. 'That's pretty funny.'
Jayden nodded. “And I used to call music mosac.”
Chester laughed. 'Mosac?'
“Yup.” Jayd laughed. “Mosac.”
'You were one strange child,' Chester laughed.
“Indeed I was. Now it’s time for some of your weird stories.”
'I don't think I've got any,' Chester said unconvincingly.
Jayd raised an eyebrow. "Liar." He accused with a chuckle.
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