Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Chaos." Jayd pestered.
'Give me your arm so I can pinch it.'
"No!" Jayden laughed, making sure his arms were nowhere near Chester.
Chester tried to grab his wrist or arm so he could push it.
Jayd tried to dodge Chester every time.
'Give me your arm!' Chester laughed.
"No way!" Jayd laughed. At one point he tried to dodge Chester, but he went slower than he intended.
Chester eventually grabbed Jayden's wrist. 'Ha!'
"Let go of me!" Jayden laughed.
(Gtg again T_T) -
'Noo!' Chester laughed. He held Jayden's wrist so he could pull away if he really wanted. -
Jayd didn't let go, partly out of curiosity for if Chester would really pinch him and partly for.... other reasons.
Chester chuckled and pinched Jayden softly. -
(wE gEt iT, ThEiR bOTh gAaaaAaaaAAY)
"Ow!" Jayden laughed, though it didn't hurt that bad. -
Chester chuckled. 'Let that be a lesson to you.'
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