Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(DAMMIT I GTG D: Wont be back on for a few hours)
"Uh.... No." Jayden chuckled.
'Then maybe we should change the subject.'
Jayd shrugged. "Sure. I don't know if I have a story that can really compare..."
'Good. What do you want to change it to?'
"Uhm.... I don't know." Jayden said with another shrug.
Chester nodded. 'Hm. Alright, then.'
"We could cause a bit of mayhem." Jayden suggested. "Please?"
'Next time you suggest that I'm gonna-' Chester said, though cut himself off because he didn't know what he could do to a king and someone he's started to care for so deeply. '.... Pinch you.'
(*cough* gaaaaaaaay)
"You better not!" Jayd laughed. -
(Shush, we've already established that xD)
'Well, I will if you ask that again!' Chester said with a playful smirk. -
(But sTiLL!)
"But chaos is fun!" Jayden protested. -
'No,' Chester said. 'We're not causing chaos, you'll have to think of something else.' -
"But it'd give us something to dooo." Jayd persisted. "Please?"
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