Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester rubbed the back of his neck. 'Hey, uh, I'm sorry about that. I suppose it was... hasty.' He avoided Jayden's gaze.
"No, it was.. Fine?" Jayd said, not wanting to say it was great since that could scare Chester. He looked at the soles of his shoes like it was thee most entertaining thing in the world.
'So, uhm...' Chester said. 'Do you wanna...?' he trailed off, unable to form the words.
"Wanna what?" Jayden asked nervously. "Pretend it never happened? Go to the library? There are a million ways to end that sentence." He chuckled at the last bit of his sentence to try and lighten the mood, but it couldn't stop the panic rushing in his mind.
Chester fiddled with his hands. 'W-Well, uhm..' he stuttered. 'Y'know...'
Jayd's eyes widened. "G-go out?" He asked hopefully. "Or something else?"
'The first one,' Chester said. 'Unless you're not serious about it...' he trailed off nervously.
"First one." Jayden answered, nodding so fast you'd think his head would fall of the second Chester was done talking.
Chester blushed. 'Well, er... Good, I guess,' he said, not entireky sure how to respond.
"And just a fair warning, if we tell Maeve she might lose her mind so just... Be prepared."
Chester chuckled. 'Yeah, that's fair.'
"What'd you say about me?" Maeve said as she popped into the hallway.
"Nothing!" Jayden said in a higher pitched voice than usual. -
'Maeve, go away,' Chester said, trying to sound as normal as possible.
Maeve rolled her eyes. "You're no fun." She grumbled before disappearing.
Chester sighed in relief. He looked back at Jayden. He was kind of handsome, Chester noticed, though wouldn't admit it.
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