Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'You shouldn't be telling me what I should and shouldn't do.'
"But why not?" Jayden asked with a grin.
'Because I'm a consenting adults and can do as I please.'
"Ugh, why do you always have to make so much sense?" Jayden complained. "It ruins the fun!"
Chester rolled his eyes.
"Didn't we already establish that that's rude?" Jayd laughed.
Jayden rolled his eyes. "I believe we did."
'Well, you just did it.'
"It's not rude if I do it." Jayd argued.
'Why not?' Chester asked skeptically.
"Because I.... Am special."
'Oh, you're special alright,' Chester said, rolling his eyes.
"Hey!" Theo protested. "Be nice!"
Jayden* lmfao)
'I was agreeing with you!'
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