Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'No,' Chester said.
"Oh. Alright." Jayd said, wondering why Chester was looking away from him.
Chester nodded.
Jayden looked down at his plate. So... What now?"
'We leave?' Chester suggested with a chuckle. He stood.
"Well, what after that?" Jayden chuckled, standing up as well.
'I... don't know,' Chester said, walking towards the door.
Jayd chuckled. "Alright." He followed Chester.
'What would you like to do?' Chester asked.
"Chaos, obviously." Jayden said with a mischievous grin.
'Other than destroying my castle.'
"A small party then."
'Other than that.'
"But why not?" Jayden whined like a little kid.
'Because I said so,' Chester responded.
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