Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"You're so mean." Jayd laughed, not pulling away.
Chester chuckled. 'Says the man who wanted to set my carpet in fire.'
"That's.... That's fair." Jayden chuckled. "But still!"
Chester chuckled. 'Still what?'
"It's still mean!" Jayd laughed.
Chester chuckled. 'I'm so sorry, your majesty,' he said with a laugh, letting go of his hand to do an overexaggerated bow. 'What can I do for your forgiveness?'
Jayd laughed harder. "Do that every time you refuse to cause a bit of mayhem with me." He suggested.
'Bow or pinch you?' Chester asked with a small laugh, still bent over.
"Bow obviously." Jayden bent down slightly, ruffling Chester's hair. "Why on earth would I want to be pinched?"
'That's fair,' Chester said. 'Can I stand up now, your majesty?'
"Yes, yes, you may." Jayd said with a chuckle.
'Thank you,' Chester said with a laugh, standing up straight.
Jayden grinned. "So... What now? Besides chaos since apparently that's soooo bad."
'I'm not sure.' Chester thought for a moment. 'Is there anything particular you want to see or do? Besides chaos.'
Jayd shook his head. "No... We could go to the gardens maybe, but I don't know what to do there..."
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