Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester chuckled. He set the dusty book on the table, opening it up.
Jayd looked over Chester's shoulder to try and read the book.
Chester flipped through it a bit, then found the chapter he needed. 'Can you read Latin?'
"Uh, no." Jayden admit with a small laugh, looking at the chapter.
'Good. Neither can I,' Chester said.
Jayd laughed. "Well that's a relief."
Chester chuckled. 'Yeah. I didn't want to have to fly back up there so get the Latin version.' He flipped a few more pages. 'Alright. Put the chain necklace around your neck.'
Jayden grabbed the necklace, putting it around his neck. "Now what?"
'Read this chapter.'
"Alright." Jayd recited the chapter, trying to not butcher any of the words.
Chester sat down on one of the chairs at the table, watching him read it.
Jayden finished it after a bit. "What now?" He asked, looking at Chester.
'Do a ballet dance,' Chester said, smirking.
Jayd did a little twirl even though he figured Chester was joking.
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