Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'No, thanks,' Chester said with a smile. 'I've already got a fair share of books to go through.'
"Alright." Jayden smiled, grabbing a book about cobras.
Chester glanced down at his watch.
Jayd sat on one of the chairs, opening the book.
Chester grabbed his pile of books from a table, setting it on the table nearest to Jayden.
"You sure you're reading enough about horses?" Jayden teased.
'Shush,' Chester laughed, sitting down.
"How about no?" Jayd persisted, smirking.
'You're not gonna get your hour in if you keep pestering me.'
"That's... A good point. But it's fun to annoy you so...."
'You're ridiculous.'
"Duh. Did you expect me to be normal?"
'Well, kinda.'
"Really?" Jayden was a bit surprised by that. "What exactly did you expect me to be? A boring old king?"
'I guess. I mean, I've never fallen in love with a king meeting me to sign a peace treaty,' Chester said with a light chuckle. 'Most of the royalties who come I barely see, except for meetings and such.'
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