Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester chuckled.
"Alright, is that it?"
'No. I just wanted to see you do ballet.'
"Fair enough, I am a good dancer." Jayd said jokingly.
(Dammit, gtg!)
'Debatable,' Chester chuckled. 'Now take off the necklace and set it on the table, now that it's touched your skin.' He grabbed the box again and took out an old snake skin, all shrivelled and dusty with time.
Jayd set the necklace down, looking at the snake skin.
Chester curled the very long snake skin around the necklace, like a circle around it.
Jayden kept watching, curious as to why exactly Chester was fiddling with snakeskin.
'To become the animal, you're going to need to understand it,' Chester said, hand returning to his pocket, holding his watch. 'If you study snakes for, let's say an hour a day for the next week or so, we can continue to the next part.'
"An hour a day?" Jayd said, only semi-complaining. He didn't like the idea of studying anything for a full hour- but this was for shapeshifting. He'd do it.
'Should we make it two?' Chester asked, chuckling. 'I'll be with you in here, anyway. Remember how I said I'm learning to shift into a horse?'
"Oh yeah." Jayden smiled. Time seemed to move faster whenever he was around Chester- something he took as a good thing.
'You can start today, if you like. Or, if you'd rather, tomorrow.'
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