Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden laughed. "I wouldn't object to either." He grinned.
Chester smiled. 'Which will it be, then?'
"You decide. No ugly owls though!" Jayden chuckled.
Chester chuckled. 'Why do I get to decide?'
"So I can be surprised, duh."
Chester thought about it for a moment. 'Alright.'
"Alright, what do I do?"
'You continue following me until we get to the library.'
"Alright." Jayd followed, walking a bit faster now that he was excited.
They soon got the library. Chester walked through and around the towering shelves, still holding Jayden's hand. He opened a cupboard and let go of Jayden to grab a box, and set on a table.
Jayden waited, looking at the box curiously.
Chester opened the box and rummaged around in the box for a moment, before pulling out a thin silver chain, like the one on a necklace except without a charm.
Jayd's attention turned to the silver chain. "How's that supposed to help?"
'You'll see,' Chester said, setting it on the table. He returned the box to the cupboard then turned to a phoenix and flew up. The library ceiling was high, so the top of the shelves were too. When he found the right book he grabbed it with his beak, then flew back down and morphed back into is human form.
"Cool." Jayden said with a grin. "And totally not vague at all."
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