Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden looked away too, still blushing a bit.
Chester was still a bit pink as well.
After a bit they both got to the kitchen and Jayd sat down.
Chester sat down next to him.
Jayden still was holding onto Chester, not wanting to let go quite yet.
Chester squeezed Jayden's hand, not wanting to let go either.
Jayd smiled, looking at Chester happily.
Chester smiled back.
Jayden didn't say anything, he just smiled for a bit.
Chester smiled. He leaned towards Jayden and kissed him on the lips.
Jayd blushed bright red, and he closed his eyes.
Chester closed his eyes as well.
After a bit Jayden broke the kiss, still bright red.
Chester leaned back a bit, blushing.
(Afk to have a shower, brb) -
(Dammit! I'm getting really tired so I might log off by then)
"Uh-tha-" Jayd couldn't form words without stuttering every 2 seconds.
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