Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden raised an eyebrow. "Come on, you can tell me. I'll only make fun of you a little bit."
Chester raised an eyebrow. 'A little bit?'
"Yeah, a little bit."
Jayd rolled his eyes. "Come on, you should tell me."
'Oh? And why's that?' Chester asked.
"Because then I won't be curious and ask you every 5 seconds."
Chester thought about that for a moment. 'Fair.'
"So you'll tell me?" Jayden asked hopefully.
Chester blushed a little. 'No.'
Jayd sighed. "What'll get you to tell me?"
'I... don't know.'
Jayden got a confident smile. "Come on, there has to be SOMETHING."
'I don't know.'
Jayd rolled his eyes. "I don't believe you.
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