Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(*ahem* tHe oThER pARt pLeaSe)
Jayd blushed slightly. "Oh, thanks. You look good too." -
(uHhHhHh..... nO)
Chester smiled a little, avoiding Jayden's gaze. -
"You don't have to avoid looking at me just because I'm shockingly handsome." Jayd joked.
Chester chuckled.
Jayden grinned. "For the record, you're the much better looking one anyway."
'You flatter me,' Chester said with a chuckle.
"It's true!" Jayden said with a chuckle.
'Right. And you're a monkey's uncle.'
"I suppose I am then." Jayd joked, laughing.
Chester laughed.
Jayden smiled, taking another bite out of his food.
Chester finished his food after a bit.
So did Jayd. "So... What now?"
'We leave the dining hall?'
"Well yeah, but what after that?"
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