Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester glanced at Jayden, noticing his eyes had widened slightly. 'You OK?'
"Yeah, I'm alright. Your eyes just turned red again, like when I stabbed myself with the arrow."
'Oh,' Chester said. 'Sorry.'
"It's not your fault." Jayd shrugged. "You didn't even know it happened. No need to be sorry."
Chester nodded, giving a small smile. They arrived at Jayden's room. 'Ah, here we are.'
Jayden stepped over the tripwire. "Careful walking in, there's a tripwire so nobody can break into my room." He said, pointing to the rope.
Chester stepped over it. 'That won't stop anybody. And why would anyone break into your room?'
Jayd shrugged. "I might add something to fall from the edge of the doorframe. And as for why they would... I don't really know."
'Right,' Chester chuckled.
"I have some nice suits they might steal." Jayden shrugged. "I won't know why until I catch someone breaking into my room I suppose."
'I guess,' Chester said with a shrug.
Jayd sat down on his bed. "So.. What do you want to do now?"
'I don't know.' Chester sat down next to him.
"Alright." Jayden looked up at Chester with a small smile.
Chester looked at Jayden, smiling back.
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