Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'We could.... I'm not sure, actually. We could try and get our studying in for the day.'
Jayd smiled. "Alright, lets go." He said, walking out of the garden.
Chester nodded and walked back into his castle.
Jayden walked over to the direction he thought the library was, looking at Chester to make sure he was right.
Chester chuckled. He grabbed Jayden's hand and turned left.
Jayd blushed a bit, following Chester.
Chester interlaced their fingers as her walked. They soon got to the library.
Jayden didn't let go of Chester's hand once they both got to the library.
Chester didn't let go either.
Jayd grabbed his snake book and sat on one of the armchairs.
Chester said down opposite him, grabbing his book on horses.
Jayden flipped to the chapter he was on. He was almost halfway through the book.
Chester flipped to the psge he was up to, and began to read it silently.
Jayd read a few pages fairly quickly. The only sound in the room was of pages turning.
Chester read in silence, taking in every ounce of information he could find. Most of it was just repeated from the other book, most of the same information just in a different book.
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