Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayd walked over to Chester. "Hey."
'Hello,' Chester said, smiling. 'How did you sleep?'
"Good. How about you?"
'Pretty good, I guess,' Chester said with a shrug.
"You guess?" Jayd questioned.
'I guess. I just have trouble waking up in the morning,' he said with a light chuckle.
(Afk to have my shower, I'll be back in 8-10 mins) -
"Oh, makes sense." Jayd smiled. "Mornings are hard sometimes." -
Chester nodded. 'Sometimes,' he said with a smile.
Jayden nodded, chucking.
Chester looked out at the horizon. They'd missed the sunrise. 'What shall we do?' he asked.
"Is there breakfast yet?" Jayd asked.
Chester checked his pocket watch. 'In about an hour.'
"Alright." Jayden tried to think about something to do. "Maybe we could research the shapeshifting to get that done for today?"
'If you want,' Chester said with a shrug.
"Unless you have an idea for something more entertaining?"
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