Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'I'm not sure. I guess it's just pointless to choose one.'
"Fair enough." Jayd shrugged.
Chester nodded. Patton entered the dining hall with two plates.
Jayden turned his attention to Patton, even happier now that there was food.
Patton set the two plates in front of Chester and Jayden, having to stand on his tiptoes to reach. 'Enjoy, your majesties.'
"Thanks." Jayd said with a smile, taking a bite out of his food- some sort of pasta he couldn't recognize.
Chester had the same as Jayden. 'Thank you, Patton.'
The chef nodded and left, adjusting his very tall hat. -
Jayden turned his attention to his food once Patton left, twirling it around with his fork.
Chester started eating as well.
Jayd took a bite out of his food.
Chester continued to eat as well.
Jayden didn't say anything as he ate.
Chester glanced at Jayden every now and then.
Jayd only noticed one of the times. "What?" He asked, looking up at Chester.
'Nothing,' Chester said quickly, looking away.
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