Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
'Not sure,' Chester said. 'It's almost dinner.'
"Alright. We could walk to dinner..." Jayd shrugged.
'Sounds good,' Chester said with a chuckle, walking towards the door.
Jayden followed Chester out of the library.
Chester unconsciously held onto Jayden's hand as he walked.
Jayd blushed a bit as he followed Chester, not letting go of him.
Chester interlaced their fingers.
Jayden blushed even more, walking slightly closer to Chester.
Chester blushed slightly. He gave a small smile but said nothing.
Jayd smiled, looking at Chester.
Chester glanced at Jayden. He smiled.
Jayden didn't say anything. His gaze eventually shifted back to the two of their hands.
Chester followed his gaze. He blushed. 'Sorry,' he mumbled, though didn't let go.
"It's alright." Jayd said with a smile, squeezing his hand.
Chester smiled. He looked back out in front of him.
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