Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
(cHeStEr bRoOooOOo LmFaOooOO)
Jayden blushed red, wrapping his arms around Chester's neck. -
(I may have been reading too many romance novels 😂
I'm banning myself)
Chester leaned in and kissed Jayden on the lips. -
(cLeaRLy yOu nEEd tO stOP rEadiNg tHeM LmFaO)
Jayd blushed, closing his eyes. -
(LmFaO I'll try
Time to reread Anne of Green Gables xD)
Chester closed his eyes as well. -
(nO sTOp i LOve tHat bOOk xDDD)
After a bit Jayd broke the kiss and looked at Chester, smiling. -
(mE tOo xD)
Chester was still very pink. He smiled as he looked at Jayden. -
Jayden grinned, not able to say much of anything and not wanting to ruin the mood by saying something stupid anyway.
Chester didn't move his arms off Jayden. He figured it might make this awkward, and he didn't want to make it awkward.
Jayd didn't move his arms off Chester either, but loosened them enough so he could lean back just a tiny bit more.
Chester ran his fingers gently through Jayden's hair.
Jayden blushed, grinning.
Chester flushed a little more as well.
Jayden offered Chester his hand, smiling.
(Gtg again for like, 30 minutes MAX) -
(dammit, I'll have to go to school by then, and I won't be back for like 3 hours ðŸ˜ðŸ˜)
Chester took Jayden's hand, smiling back. -
Jayd kissed Chesters nose, interlacing their fingers together.
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