Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden nodded.
'I think last time I asked Patton for his recipe he whacked my 8-year-old head with a wooden spoon and told me to leave.'
Jayd chuckled. "What's with him and spoons?"
'He values his time in the kitchen,' Chester said with a chuckle. He looked over at the kitchen door. 'He spends all day in there, I think.'
"Jeez. That man needs a hobby." Jayden laughed.
'I think cooking is his hobby.'
"Something besides cooking." Jayd said, elbowing him gently.
'Does whacking people with wooden spoons count?' Chester chuckled.
"No." Jayden chuckled.
'Well, I'm not sure, then,' he said.
"He needs one then. One that isn't whacking people and cooking."
'I guess,' Chester shrugged.
"The food is worth it thought." Jayden admit."
(Wait no ****No " mark at the end lmfao)
Chester nodded. 'It is.'
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