Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester loosened his arms around Jayden, though not fully. Patton was trusted enough not to tell anybody about his and Jayden's relationship.
"Here's your food." Patton said, setting the plates down before leaving.
Chester nodded once in thanks and looked back down at Jayden. For breakfast were waffles.
Jayden leaned forward and took a bite out of the waffles. They were GOOD.
Chester chuckled and let go of Jayden, grabbing his cutlery from the middle of the table.
Jayden smiled, eating more since it was so good.
Chester ate some of his as well. He loved seeing the reactions of people eating Patton's food. It was a!ways so good, and because Chester was used to it by now he always paid attention to his guest's reactions.
"This is really good." Jayd pointed out in between because he had manners even if he was a maniac.
("Even if he was a maniac" 🤣🤣
Chester get out of there NOW)
Chester nodded. 'It is,' he said. 'Patton never fails to amaze.' -
"Seriously." Jayd agreed, smiling.
(LMFAO- gtg I'll be back later!) -
(alr! I'll be here cause I'm taking the day off today)
Chester smiled. -
"I need the recipe for this. There's no way it's just normal waffle stuff." -
Chester chuckled. 'I'm not sure how Patton makes his food. He probably works some magic into it somehow. Or just uses a lot of sugar.'
"Magic and sugar definitely." Jayd chuckled.
Chester nodded.
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