Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Exactly." Jayd chuckled.
Chester chuckled.
Jayden finished his waffles a bit later.
Chester finished as well.
"What now?" Jayd asked, looking at Chester.
'We... Uhm... Attempt to read again?' he suggested, part jokingly.
"Sure." Jayden chuckled. He stood up, offering Chester his hand to help him up.
Chester smiled and took Jayden's hand.
Jayd kissed the back of Chester's hand as he pulled him up.
Chester blushed slightly as he stood up. He kissed Jayden's cheek.
Jayden smiled, still holding Chester's hand as he started walking.
Chester opened the door out of the dining hall.
Jayd walked out of the kitchen, walking to the direction of the library.
Chester walked next to him.
Jayden smiled, walking closer to Chester.
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